Things to Consider Before Buying an AC

There are certain things to consider before buying an AC (Air Conditioner), which is very important since it is a one time purchase with huge investment. So it is better to be more careful and knowledgeable about the product before buying.

Hence, you have to decide carefully, and that’s where this ac buying guide will help you.

Things to Consider Before Buying an AC

Here we have listed several factors, that needs to be considered before purchasing an air conditioner. They are:


Before buying an air conditioner, don’t fix the budget blindly. Compare various brands and models with its specifications and performance, then choose an AC that best suits your preferences within your budget plan.


Based on the room size and number of people occupied in it, we need to choose the right sized AC. Tonnage ranges from 0.75 to 5.5 tons, calculate the square feet of your room before finalizing the ac.

We also have another blog, which helps you to choose the right size AC for your home.

3.Installation & Maintenance

Installation is very important for proper functioning, so it could be installed by an authorized service centre. And we have to check if they are charging extra for installation or free installation. 

Proper installation and regular maintenance alone help to extend the lifespan of AC. So we need to verify how often we need to do maintenance.

4.Noise Levels

As per WHO, the recommended noise level ranges from 30 to 40 dB, more noise level than this would cause sleep deprivation.

Noise indicates the level of volume that an AC produces while running, it is often measured in decibels (dB). 

5.Brand and Warranty

Before buying an air conditioner, we need to compare and cross-check various brands, models and warranty periods.

Also, we have to figure out the process to claim warranty if incase needed. We also have to be clear which issues offer repair and in which case providing replacement.

6.ISEER Rating

ISEER stands for Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, measuring the energy efficiency of an air conditioner. If the ISEER value is high, then power consumption will be low in the air conditioner. It results in minimizing electricity bills and helps to save money. 

7.Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption refers to the total sum of electrical energy usage. The higher wattage AC consumes more energy. So we have to choose a lower wattage AC to save electricity.

8.Inverter Technology

Inverter Technology often facilitates running AC at various speeds and cooling capacity, according to the requirements. While comparing non-inverter AC, Inverter AC’s are more energy efficient. It results in a longer lifespan. 

Check out another article, to know about the best dual inverter AC.


Convertible Technology permits to adjust and change the cooling mode into stages according to the size of the room, number of occupants and surrounding environment’s temperature. It enhances the energy efficiency and reduces energy consumption.


Here, we have provided some checklists which need to be considered before purchasing an air conditioner. It would definitely help you to decide the perfect AC for you even at your planned budget.


This is Aneesha, an emerging SEO Specialist and Content Writer from the past 3 months who focuses on home and kitchen appliances, electronic gadgets and others. I'm passionate about reviewing, writing detailed articles and also optimizing content.

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