Neem Fresche Technology

Are you looking to buy a mattress and frequently hearing the term “Neem Fresche Technology”? Neem fresche technology is used in Mattress to protect it from any bacteria and viruses. Here we are going to discuss it in detail with you.

What is Neem Fresche Technology?

The Mattress Company SleepWell and SleepX have the same manufacturer who makes both these Mattresses, and they are more like a sister concern. The SleepX and the SleepWell company came up with the Neem Fresche Technology, which has Activated Neem as the name suggested and is used to kill any bacteria, germs and viruses from the Mattress.

Why is Neem Fresche Technology important?

The Bed is something where we sleep, and we use it every single day. We go out in the pollution and dust, and no matter how hard we wash our hands and legs, there are still some chances for germs to enter the Bed. So the Neem Fresche Tech helps kill the germs and bacteria and makes your bed safer for you to sleep in.

There are some germs and pollutants that cause breathing troubles and allergies too. So the Neem activated mattress fights all those impurities and provides you with a good night’s sleep. It is even more beneficial if you have a baby who co-slept with you, as babies need much more protection from germs than us.

Can I buy the Neem Fresche technology Mattress?

It is a big thumbs up from our end as it kills the germs and protects you. It is also helpful for elderly people who deal with breathing trouble and also for people with skin allergies. Neem, as we all know, has antibacterial properties and fights giants, germs and bacteria. So it is a great idea to have a mattress with the Neem Fresche Technology.

Gayathri V
Gayathri V
Articles: 56

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