Fridge Freezer Capacity Guide

Freezers are one of the essential appliances that are needed in our homes. These fridge freezers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes and have various features. Be it water coolers or ice dispensers. Due to this, people find buying a freezer a very tough choice. But, you don’t need to worry now as this article will provide you with all the guidance you need before buying a perfect fridge

Standard Refrigerator Sizes 

The fridge freezer capacity is important to account for as per your kitchen space. Thus, here we are providing the standard freezer sizes across the most popular configurations:

Top-Freezer Refrigerators

  • Width: 28-3/4 to 32-3/4 inches
  • Height: 61-3/4 to 66-1/4 inches
  • Depth:  34-1/4 inches

Bottom Freezer Refrigerators

  • Width: 29-1/2 inches to 32-3/4 inches
  • Height: 67 to 70 inches
  • Depth:  33-3/8 inches

The Freezer Features to consider before buying

Let us now look at some of the important features that may help buyers decide before purchasing the freezer.

1. Capacity

Buyers must consider that there’s enough space at the top, back, and sides of the freezer for ventilation. This is important because the condenser will have to double its work if there is no space, and the freezer won’t remain efficient. 

Thus, you must check the details in the instruction manual. However, the most recommended size is between 2.5cm to 3cm. Although, it largely depends on your house and family’s needs.

2. Separate Controls

This means that the users can set the fridge and the freezer controls separately. This allows the freezer to run better and keep the food fresh and frozen at the perfect temperature.

3. Auto Defrost and Frost-Free

Defrosted water in the fridge may drain into a trough at the appliance’s backside and can evaporate to stop the fridge from freezing and becoming damp. However, to avoid this, you can go for a frost-free freezer as there’s no need to defrost it on your own. This is because it comes with a special heater that occasionally gets rid of ice, and there’s a fan that circulates cool air.

4. Digital Displays

These freezers have indicator lights and audible signals, allowing the users to monitor the freezer temperature easily. It also lets you know if the door by chance has been left open or if there’s any fault with the appliance.

5. Solid Drawers and Glass Shelves 

These features retain cold in the freezer very effectively compared to the mesh drawers and are easy to pack and clean. However, freezer drawers can be a little expensive to replace, so you must check that they are made of sturdy plastic.

6. Extra Storage

Everyone loves some extra storage space. Thus, compartments in the freezer door must be handy for items you are required to keep upright or in case the users want to store smaller items.

7. Door Alarms

This feature is very useful as it will alert you if you leave the freezer door open. This means you won’t have to come back to a defrosted water puddle or thawed food, for that matter.

8. Water and Ice Dispensers

These dispensers are becoming increasingly popular on fridge freezers and provide the user’s chilled water and ice just at one touch of a button.

9. Fast Freeze

This helps keep the temperature low when large quantities of fresh food are added to the freezer. This means that the food will remain fresher when it is defrosted. It also helps retain the quality and texture of certain foods, such as bread. 

Some models also automatically revert to the normal setting when the food gets frozen, but other model freezers need to be switched back manually.

Drainage Spout

This feature helps the users drain the water away quite easily when the freezer is defrosted.  

Energy Efficiency

All fridge freezers are awarded a rating of energy efficiency between A++ to G. Fridge freezers are one of the biggest energy users in our homes as they stay on all the time throughout the year. So, the buyers must choose a model with an A++ rating to enjoy the benefits of the most energy-efficient appliance.

Installation Services

After the new appliance is delivered to your house, keep it upright. It would help if you left your new freezer to stand for a while before plugging it in because it allows the gases inside to settle down. After you switch it on, try leaving it overnight so that you get to the right temperature before you pack it with food.

Testing of the Fridge Freezers

Fridge freezers must be tested carefully and cross-checked. First, you should look at how even the temperature is at the freezer’s bottom, middle, and top. It would help if you then got the fridge freezer connected to an electricity meter and finally monitored the energy rating of the freezer for 48 hours.

You should also test how fast the fridge freezer returns to optimum temperature when you leave the freezer doors open for two minutes. Test all the new and innovative features beforehand too. Also, the buyers must evaluate the freezer design and how easy it is to use.


Follow this guide to choose the right appliance, keeping in mind your budget to suit your family’s needs. Don’t forget to consider the best and most useful features.

Q. Are frost-free models expensive?

Frost-free models are a little more expensive to run when compared to standard models. However, it is worth the money as it makes your task easier. 

Q. What is a childproof feature in a fridge freezer?

The childproof feature means it prevents the freezer temperature from being altered accidentally. It will help if you are looking for those models that come with a temperature dial to be turned only with a coin or buttons. 

Articles: 153

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